USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All semi-dedicated servers reside in our state-of-the-art US based datacenter in Chicago, Illinois. It was one of the very few US data center entities that made it possible for us to deploy our unique internal network and the only one that could supply the hardware we wanted promptly. It also has a fantastic support team, which is at hand 7 days a week.

Another excellent benefit of the US based datacenter is that it features excellent network connectivity with the rest of the world. As a result of that, all US semi-dedicated servers will benefit from top website loading rates.

USA Data Center

Control Panel

Take care of your sites with a simple click of the mouse

It’s now pain–free to manage your sites with the new–generation Apps that we’ve engineered for you with intuitiveness in mind. Control your documents with easy drag–n–drop actions, register, transfer and control a lot of domains from one and the same location, set up email addresses immediately, manage subscriber list activities without difficulty, create and open your databases with a mouse–click, screen site statistics in real time, and so on). Enhanced programs that include a framework installation software, an .htaccess generation tool and a hotlink protection program are integrated too.

Control Panel

Increased CPU quotas

Significantly more power for your web applications and web sites

Our semi-dedicated servers provide you with a more significant portion of the main server's processing power when compared to normal shared web hosting accounts where you share this essential server resource with many customers. This will certainly release considerably more operating power for your resource-intensive web sites that have to accept a larger flow of website visitors. Also, this will minimize any probable service disruptions that could take place if you go over the reduced CPU allocations on a regular website hosting account.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables without problems

On account of the modern server partition technology put together by our admins, we can easily allocate an abundant amount of database queries to your web sites. This will help you maintain multi-media web sites with sizeable databases that’ll be frequented regularly by a great number of users. If you have a busy database powered website that keeps growing on a daily basis, you’d better take into consideration relocating to a semi-dedicated server well before you start going over the restrictions on your shared website hosting platform.

Increased MySQL queries

NVMe Drives

Your Internet site will be speedier with NVMes

All brand new PCs and/or laptops come with NVMe drives and there is a serious reason for that. NVMe drives offer you much quicker read/write data transfer speeds, making the overall performance so much quicker. The very same will be applied to your web page if you transfer it over to us. All of our semi-dedicated service are equipped with NVMes and the sites managed with us work better than the ones functioning on regular hard disk drives.

And the best thing is that you don’t have to modify or tweak anything by any means so as to cause it to function speedier.

NVMe Drives